

Since first starting our journey of what sustainability truly means within a business in 2018, we have met many amazing people and have learned more then we possibly could of imagined over the last 6 years. With hot words like Carbon Footprint, Green Technology, and Eco Business, it’s easy to get lost in the rapids of what running a green business actually means. Then you add the dynamic of being a small business owner or corporate day to day work flows, who really has the time to make change and learn how to be a sustainable business? This is a very realistic question for many and one that we battle ourselves with supply chain crisis and inflation in a post covid world.

It is with these reasons in mind why we are making a conscious effort to share what we’ve learned since 2017 and how we have modified our business to become a more environmentally conscious business. Our hope is to assist in making sense of the green washing mis-information out there by laying out some of the fundamental changes we’ve made within The Bear Factory through our education of sustainable business practices.

Over the Years

Since first starting our journey of what sustainability truly means within a business in 2018, we have met many amazing people and have learned more then we possibly could of imagined over the last 6 years. With hot words like Carbon Footprint, Green Technology, and Eco Business, it’s easy to get lost in the rapids of what running a green business actually means. Then you add the dynamic of being a small business owner or corporate day to day work flows, who really has the time to make change and learn how to be a sustainable business? This is a very realistic question for many and one that we battle ourselves with supply chain crisis and inflation in a post covid world.

It is with these reasons in mind why we are making a conscious effort to share what we’ve learned since 2017 and how we have modified our business to become a more environmentally conscious business. Our hope is to assist in making sense of the green washing mis-information out there by laying out some of the fundamental changes we’ve made within The Bear Factory through our education of sustainable business practices.

Recycled Polyethylene Terephthalate (rPET) is the process by which previously recycled packaging materials are collected, sorted, cleaned and transformed into a usable material. This new material can be used for packaging, apparel, and in our case, plush fabrics. This recycled product is usually made from #1 and #2 plastics which can include water bottles, textile waste, and even old fishing nets.

Taking plastics that have an ability to be recycled, supports a Circular Economy model of reusing items opposed to the use of virgin materials. The main downside of rPET are the added costs that can be attributed to the processing of these materials into a usable medium.